Wednesday, August 19, 2009

This Week...

Lots has happened in the past seven days. Last weekend (Thursday) I went to Tel Aviv right after Ulpan Hebrew class. I spent some time doing research at the Tel Aviv University library and then explored the city.

One of the many outdoor art installations at Tel Aviv University.

The most amazing breakfast of eggs, cucumber salad, camembert and homemade cherry jam from a restaurant called David in Tel Aviv

It was nice to be in a place where there's not millions of orthodox Jews making you feel like the ultimate sinner. The following day I spent on the beach in Tel Aviv which is definitely one of the most beautiful places on earth. The water is 90 degrees and everyone is in speedos.

On Friday I returned to Jerusalem in time to wash the sand out of my hair and go out with my friends in Jerusalem. It had been 12 days since I had been to a dance club, so it felt particularly good to go out.

Some of my wonderful friends from school!

Other things I've done this week:

1. Salsa dancing with 150 Israelis and instructors who speak only Hebrew-fun!

2. Not completely failing Hebrew, which is some sort of miracle.

3. Utilizing public transportation several times, in both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. I'm so pleased I was able to learn the Tel Aviv bus routes all by myself!

A few of the many bus tickets from my various trips.

4. Registering for fall classes: Hebrew (not my choice; I'm forced to take it), Cultural Identity in the Arab-Israeli conflict, Palestinian Culture, and hopefully, if I'm accepted, a research internship at the Truman Institute in Jerusalem. The Truman Institute is a private think tank working toward the advancement of peace, focusing primarily on the Middle East. I would be working on one of their many projects ranging from international studies, like the Obama administration's approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict, or domestic issues such as the role of women in the Palestinian community. I am sooooo excited about the opportunity to work with the Truman Institute, and it's something that wouldn't be possible had I not come to study in Israel.
Here's a link to their website if you want to find out more about the organization:

5. And finally, tonight I went to a yoga class with one of my friends from Hebrew Ulpan. There's a gym near the campus that has a reasonably-priced membership plan, but we wanted something other than a treadmill. It took us a while to figure out where exactly the studio was located, and once we arrived, we realized it wasn't actually a "studio" but a Jerusalem community center with only five people in the yoga class. Let's just say the overhead lighting, wreaking yoga mats and pedestrians yelling outside wasn't the most chakra-pleasing atmosphere. Next week we're on to another studio!