Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Forget Christmas, I want Chanukah

Here are my reasons

1) Christmas: 1 day. Chanukah: 8 days! By the sheer numerical statistics it's better

2) Latkas are better than turkey and green beans

3) During Chanukah in Israel, you get sufganiyot

Look at how happy Blaise David is. His face alone is a case for Chanukah

But finally, the reason Chanukah beats Christmas is because it's not based on a story of a false messiah, and wrapped up in a modern story about a fat man in a red suit.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

This is the World We Live In

My friends Brooke and Levi are coming to Israel. Yay! But they're not coming as tourists, instead as activists. They will be traveling throughout Israel, Asia and Africa over the next year to document those making the bold attempt at changing the world. They will be highlighting a variety of causes including poverty, veganism, environmentalism, human rights and the list goes on...

You can follow their journey at http://thisistheworldwelivein.com/

Yeah, they're kind of bad ass